Sunday, January 4, 2009

3:30 pm

This morning has been a difficult morning for us with lots of things to consider. Leslie is continuing to rest. Being in bed all day makes you very sore, so we have bieen getting up several times. We are experiencing some other pains and discomfort with maybe acid reflux and possible gallbladder pains. They are going to be taking blood in a few minutes and running lab tests to see if there is a problem here.

thanks again for your comments and prayers....



  1. Liftin request to Heaven for you guys
    Love you

  2. On my knees....please call me if you need help with Beau!
    Love you all!

  3. Love you and praying for you. Thanks for the blogspot updates. What a neat idea.

    Tom & Harriet

  4. Thinking about you and praying for you all...

  5. My name is Tammy and I'm on the Hand in Hand volunteer team at Fellowship. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you, your precious baby, your family, the doctors and nurses, and all the decisions and trials all of you are facing right now. God is with you all and will not forsake you! Jeremiah 29:11 promises hope - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Know you are in my thoughts and prayers all the way through this. God bless!

  6. I love you all. Will do anything you need.


Thanks for taking time to share..