Saturday, January 17, 2009

A beutiful day Sat.4:30pm

Let me start off by saying my wife is pretty incredible, Leslie's strength and determination has been a wonderful thing to watch, her OT occupational therapy session today went very well my wife's strength in her left upper body has really improved over the course of the week. After Leslie's therapy today she began to get one of those nasty headaches she has dealt with over the past week, so we just made our way back to the room and found a comfortable position in the bed, were we could just spend some time getting a little rest, she has been able to get some rest which is good. Beau called a few minutes ago and asked us if she could sleep anywhere she wanted to tonight, we hesitate a little ,and she said I want to stay with you and Momma again, this again is good medicine for my wife, so Leslie will be getting another dose of family therapy tonight, we feel so blessed that we are in a room that allows us to be able to do this, there is plenty of room for both Beau and I to stay here with Momma.

PSALM 18 1-2

I love you, O LORD, my strength.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Thanks for checking on us today, your love for my wife is beautiful and we thank each of you for your prayers...

God bless JRP


  1. Wow! How far you have come Leslie! We are all so proud of you. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers. Remember you are all in our hearts and prayers at Baylor L&D!

    Shelly Davis

  2. that is so wonderful to hear that leslie is doing so great. i know that she has to be strong she has been thought so much and still so much to deal with. just know that my love and heart are with ya'll. i will keep praying for ya'll. just tell beau to keep up the good work and keep kissing and hugging her mommy cause that truly is some of the best medicne.

  3. Hey Leslie and Jeff,

    David and I wanted you to know that we have been following your progress. We want you to know how sorry we are for your loss and the trials you are currently facing. We have been praying for you guys and Beau. We are so glad to see and read that you are making good progress. Keep up the hard work as God continues to bless you beyond belief. Leslie, we pray that you will get come to home soon and be with your precious family who obviously love you so very much. Good luck in your endeavors.

    David and Tracey Echols

  4. Jesus said, "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone sho asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
    Luke 11:9-10

    Sunday, January 18


Thanks for taking time to share..