Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday 10:30pm

Good afternoon, hope this post finds you and yours doing well, This morning started out with a great breakfast time for us all, Beau ,Leslie and I huddled around the adjustable food table and picked apart the breakfast that was brought for Leslie, we also were able to supplement it with some really nice pastries that had been dropped off for us, things just taste better when the whole family is there , and that's what it was like this morning just a good time together. After breakfast we prepared ourselves for a stroll outside, Beau was pretty excited to get to push her momma around in her wheelchair, so off we went down to ground level, out into the sun and fresh air, I think this felt good to Leslie, we went all around the building then back into the lobby for a break before returning to her room. After we made it back to the room Leslie was pretty tired so Beau and I tried to give Momma a little quiet time to rest , not long after that lunch arrived, it was some outside food that Leslie had finally decided she would like to try , you know the kind that just has this great smell to it and that little extra flavor you just cant get in the hospital..., right after eating ,it was time to get to our only therapy for the day RT rec. therapy this was a fun time, a time for exercising and getting our endorphins going, we disco danced in our chairs for 20 minutes, Leslie did great. We are eagerly awaiting this weeks victories and looking forward to hearing what the doctors have to say on Tuesday, again this is the day were we set goals and objectives and get our report card to show how we have done, and were we should be heading. I am going to hit the sack for now , thanks for checking on us.

We love you all ...
God bless JRP


  1. Hey Guys

    Have a great day!! We love you. "THe JOY of the Lord is my strength"

    (Aaron, Anna, Avery)

  2. Was it KC and the Sunshine Band you danced to? I'm glad I got to spend some time with ya'll yesterday! I was thrilled to see your lucky fin moving so really made my day.

  3. Leslie, Jeff and Beau -
    Hope this week and all weeks to come will be encouraging one for you. Enjoyed the new photos.
    love and hugs

  4. Experiencing difficulties in posting comments again so hope this is not a repeat -

    Leslie, Jeff and Beau -
    Hope this week and all to come are encouraging ones for you. Enjoyed the new photos. Just saying hello and sendng love and hugs.

  5. Praying for each goal achieved and asking God to continue to give Leslie strength. Praying for your family.
    Hand in Hand Ministry @ FC

  6. Jeff, Leslie and Beau, we love you all so much! And we are so proud of Leslie and encouraged by her progress! We constantly pray for the pain management, continued healing, physical restoration, intimacy with God and a compelling sense of His presence, the ability to grasp and bask in truth. We miss you!

    Isaiah 64:3-4
    3 When Thou didst awesome things which we did not expect, Thou didst come down, the mountains quaked at Thy presence. 4 For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.

    Keg, Linda and Ellie

  7. Jeff, Leslie and Beau, we love you all so much! And we are so proud of Leslie and encouraged by her progress! We constantly pray for the pain management, continued healing, physical restoration, intimacy with God and a compelling sense of His presence, the ability to grasp and bask in truth. We miss you!

    Isaiah 64:3-4
    3 When Thou didst awesome things which we did not expect, Thou didst come down, the mountains quaked at Thy presence. 4 For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.

    Keg, Linda and Ellie

  8. Dearest Jeff and Leslie,
    You continue to be on our hearts and minds. We're so encouraged to read of Leslie's improvements. I must say that this day's report brought vivid memories for us of wheeling Chandler around and around the hospital in his wheelchair just to get him out of the confines of the building and into fresh air. I do (in some ways) feel your pain and frustrations. I remeber a longing for home and normalcy, yet the need for continued therapy. Be patient...wait upon the Lord...keep trusting Him! And don't be discouraged if your "report card" day dosen't go as you hope. God's timing is perfect. May God bless you with healing and peace today!
    Love in Christ,
    Chuck, Rhonda and kids

    "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in as you richly as sing plalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through him." Colossians 3:15-17

  9. It is soo good to hear the progress that Leslie is making! We are constantly sending up prayers of health, strength, and love for each of you and your families! Much love and blessings sent to you!

    Nick, Wendye, Carsen and Camryn Franco

  10. Jeff, Leslie & Beau,
    Cristi and I both have made numerous attempts to comment on your blog, even signing up for a blog, but we both have Alltel Wireless internet so that must be the problem!! Just wanted to let you know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers since hearing about Leslie's hospitalization. I was able to sign up as a follower and enjoy reading your posting, pictures and songs. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how things are going. We love you all and will continue to lift you up in prayer.
    Rose, John, Gary, Cristi and the boys

  11. Leslie,
    It was great to get to see you last week and see the progress you have made. I was so encouraged! Keep on keepin on- every day that you move forward, is just that, MOVING FORWARD! Don't discount the little victories, it's all those little victories that are bringing you closer to home. I love you and wish you the best.
    You have been so nurturing and tender to Leslie. You have taken such good care of her, I can't think of a more well-suited "help-mate." She is so blessed to have you there cheering for and supporting her. We don't forget you in our prayers either! Thanks also for the blog, it has been a great tool to stay updated, and to know specifically how to pray.
    We love you both tremendously and continue to check on and pray for you daily!
    The Pate's

    1 Thess. 3:12
    May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for eachother.


Thanks for taking time to share..