Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday 2:25pm

Wow, its been very busy around here this morning, started out with taking blood, testing it and getting levels that all seem to be looking well. Leslie's medicine seems to be doing the job, her blood pressure is starting to get some regularity that's wonderful. We met with other doctors that were checking on her incision and then had a visit by the Occupational therapist this was fun,we got to sit up again on the side of the bed,then we laid back down and received a great massage on her hand ,leg and foot. The therapist then asked Leslie to make a fist and she did just that ,I am very proud of her... After all that it was time for a spit bath, spit baths are good, I think it really helped Leslie rest allot better, not to mention (Mimi) Leslie's mom got rid of Leslie's dread locks and fixed up her hair, this made her feel even better .. Lunch also came and Leslie did great, she ate some pudding a vanilla wafer and had some hot tea. Many people have asked me specifics about what Leslie had that caused all these problems, I will do my best to explain so that we can all be on the same page. Leslie had Preeclampsia and Hellp syndrome ,these are things you can get during your pregnancy, I will stop there and each of you can google this and probably find out more than I could ever type about it... I need to go for a little while and take care of some things.

To all of you, again we can not thank each of you enough for your Love and concern for Leslie, Shiloh, Beau and myself.

God bless


1 comment:

  1. Jeff, Leslie, Beau and Family,
    I am sooo excited to hear the wonderful updates on Leslie's progress. YOU GO LESLIE! RAWR! (Inside joke!) Jeff, I am so amazed by your wonderful, loving spirit. God has truly blessed your marriage in how he has complimented you and Leslie with one another and it is so evident that you are so equally yoked.
    I especially am lifting up Beau right now. I know it is a very difficult time for her being away from her Mommy and Daddy. Kelley and loveeeee her blogs and they are just precious and lift us up daily as I know they do you as well. She is such a jewel and I know you are so proud of you! She is proud of you too!
    Hang in there...we are all trying to pray you out of there as quickly as possible....We must get you strong soon, I heard a wise man has gone missin'!
    Jay Jay and Kelley


Thanks for taking time to share..