Monday, January 5, 2009

This will be a very brief update. Leslie's condition is improving. She is responsive, breathing on her own, and the doctors have said they may remove the breathing tube this evening. They continue to run tests and we hope to know more about her prognosis by tomorrow morning. She wants Jeff by her side -- his strength and reassurance calm her -- so he is spending much of his time by her side in the ICU with periodic breaks to allow her to rest.

They both appreciate your comments and prayers. We will update you when we know more tomorrow.



  1. Praise God for Leslie pulling through and improving. I cannot tell you how thankful Kelley and I are to hear the news. We have both been lifting up our prayers and I have been on my hands and knees today. I want you to know I understand that you cannot have visitors and there was one point I almost got into my car to come to Dallas, but I know you guys are being well taken care of and your families are there with you so you are in awesome hands. I also know Craig and Linda are on their way too, so in a way, I feel a part of us will be there as well. We love you sooooo much and if Beau needs a place to stay, know Kelley and I are here and if you need someone to come to your house to take care of her and get her to school, I can come and do that as well. Austin is here in Katy, and between he and Kelley, they can get Colton to school and take care of him. I would LOVE to help you guys in any way I can.
    Jay Jay, Kelley, Austin and Colton

  2. Sweet Lela and Jeff,
    So glad to hear that news! It is so hard being here and not there with you all! I hope you both know that many prayers all over are being lifted up for you and your precious family between Denton and Austin!!! I can't wait for you to see and hear. God is so good and He is the Ultimate Healer we do know and wait and pray and trust. Love you both! Dana

  3. Leslie, Jeff, and Beau:

    Our prayers are with you. If there's anything we can do please let us know.

    The Ellis Family

  4. My heart has been breaking all day for all of you. Leslie , you are such a dear friend to me and you are in my prayers all day long. We love you all so very much and will be praying for a full recovery. Also, missing dear sweet Shiloh.

    In God's grace and mercy
    Nicki and Jason

  5. Tom wrote this morning: Sovereign Lord, wrap Your merciful arms of love around Jeff and Leslie; in Your tender mercy hold them very close to You for as long as they need You close to them and love them thoroughly. II Corin. 1:3-7

    Leslie, we are continuing to pray for your full and speedy recovery. Jeff, hang on tight. I know this is a tough time, but you can make. Be strong in the Lord. Be encouraged that are many of us praying for you both.

    We love you

    Tom & Harriet

  6. Praise the Lord!! We love you and will continue to pray for you.

  7. Jeff my heart is breaking for you. I have been praying for you and fighting back the urge to come to the hospital just to give you a hug. If I can do anything for any of yall you know I will be there. So please let me know if you need anything? Just remember that you will be on my mind and in my heart. I LOVE YALL

  8. Dearest Leslie...
    I never can see my comments posted..but just by chance if this one works...I want to tell you that you are the most amazing woman, and I am so glad God LOVES you and continues to care for you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
    Love YOU...
    Brenda Blair Vinson


Thanks for taking time to share..