Thursday, January 8, 2009

Therapy time

I just wanted to let you all know that Mr. Gordon came to visit us a few minutes ago, he is the Director of rehab and said he was hoping to move Leslie up to the next floor to start full 3 hour a day therapy, they would of course spread that three hours out over the day, but still it was very exciting news to be recommended and considered to go to that level of care, Leslie was not very excited about the possible length of time we would need to be here at the hospital, I'm not talking even a month for those that are wondering, but as many of you may know one day in a hospital could feel like 2 or 3 regular days . So we just want to pray for patience today and continued strength for my wife and joy for my daughter while away from her Momma...

We love you all...we will be back asap tonight with more info.

Thank you and God bless


  1. I know that the challenge ahead facing you and Leslie seems daunting but there is no doubt you are not alone in it.....the Lord will be carrying you every step of the way as He has been from the beginning. It continues to amaze me everyday (although it really shouldn't!) that not only has God performed such a miracle with the continued healing for Leslie, but at the same time He is influencing so many other lives because of what you have gone through. I am sure that is part of the answer to the "why" did this have to happen. He is just SO AWESOME!!

    We love you all.

  2. continuing to pray for you guys!


  3. Jeff,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    God Bless!

  4. Jeff,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all!
    God Bless,


Thanks for taking time to share..