Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday 1:30pm

Well I must start off by saying, my wife is pretty amazing. Today has been full of lots of challenges and lots of hard work, let me share today's schedule with you it stared out at 9:00am OT occupational therapy, 10:00am PT physical therapy, 11:00am OT occupational therapy again, 12:30pm SP speech therapy, 1:00pm PT physical therapy again, and we still have left for the day one more ST, I think you know what that stands for by now, I almost forgot RT recreational therapy, this was not on the schedule but it took place around 11:45am, Leslie beat me in a game of UNO she was throwing down some tough cards for me ..... During Leslie's last PT time Chi Chi her therapist did allot of stretching on Leslie's lower back and legs to try and help with this lower back and leg pain she is still having, after she finished stretching she put Leslie on a heating pad and it was not long before I heard a little snore from the bed, she is sleeping right know, I am glad, she needed it, Leslie's movement during her therapy sessions is improving, but we still have aways to go, I am finding it difficult to explain exactly how Leslie is doing with the left side of her body because I am here with her, I have been able to see these incredible steps in her progress , so even the smallest step or new movement on her left side is like a huge victory for her, and I get very excited. I am very impressed with her....

I need to run for a moment , I will try and post towards the end of the day and let you know what else they have to say about Leslie's lower back pains....

Your prayers have been beautiful, and again we cant thank each of enough for them ......
God is good and the body of Christ is a beautiful thing to watch and be touched by....

We love you all

Leslie, Beau and Jeff


  1. It is GREAT to hear of the progress Leslie is making. You and your family, all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. We are so proud of your strong determination in this process, Leslie, and we know it is extremely hard work. WAY TO GO GIRL!! You know, you may need some "Jeffrey's Chicken" as a reward! We know just the guy who can fix it for you too.....

    Cathy & Richard

  3. Keep up the good work, Leslie. I know all that therapy is tough from having watched Tom go through it. With all the new technology, I expect you to have a much better outcome. After all, Wii was not even invented. What a fun way to get a workout! Or at least it sounds like it would be. So far I haven't seen one in action.
    Jeff, thanks for all the posts. This blogspot is such a great idea. I have a friend whose husband, Jim, is in another rehab hospital there in Dallas. Is a blogspot something she could set up for him? Can I refer her to you for questions? Her name is Dian. If you want to reply separately, my email is

    Much love to you both

    Tom & Harriet

  4. Jeff and Leslie,

    We've never met, but I attend church with Craig and Linda Seifferth. They have kept our church updated with your struggles, and we have prayed for you.

    As a midwife, I am well versed in pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Those are some terrifying words in the OB language, but we serve a God who is sovereign even over this! He walks with you and has plans to bring about fruit from your hospital and blogging ministries. Your love for Him, each other, and other people is clearly evident.

    Have you ever heard the song, "He Will Carry Me" by Mark Schultz? It's wonderful, and I think it would be encouraging for you to hear.

    Know that you are prayed for, and that He sees you and loves you in the midst of your trials. (Genesis 16:13).

    Praying for you and your family ~

    In Christ,

    Jenny Swanson

  5. Dear Leslie, Jeff and Beau,
    It is so good to hear about your daily progress. There is so much love conveyed in every entry. You are a living example of 1Cor.13.13.
    Much love,
    D.B. & E.

  6. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
    Psalm 5:3

  7. So sorry your back is troubling you, Leslie. I'm praying that it gets better so you can too! You sound so busy---your "to do" list wears ME out!! Keep focused on doing your best, I love you!

  8. Leslie, Beau and Jeff,
    Praying for your sweet family. Leslie, you are very strong and doing great. Thanks for the updates, Jeff, we send out prayers to the prayer team from them. Many prayers as you recover. Love your songs and pictures on your page. May God comfort your family during this time.
    Hand in Hand Ministry at FC

  9. Start and end most days reading your blog and continuously thinking of you. Sending hugs and love

  10. Just a note to say hello, thinking of you and sending hugs and love

  11. I'm praying for you guys daily. Psalm 121:1-2.


  12. Leslie's verse O' the day:

    I am the Lord, who heals you.
    Exodus 15:26

    Love you so much and I am so proud of all you are doing! Keep it up, we're pulling for you!


Thanks for taking time to share..