Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday evening 9:30pm

Hello again, today we had a little setback, Leslie has a infection that has caused her quite a bit of discomfort last night threw today , which made it very difficult if not impossible for Leslie to concentrate on any of her therapy today, they were able to get her started on some antibiotics around noon today, the thought is that some time tomorrow this will kick in and give my wife some relief.. So continued prayer for comfort and healing in her body would be my request please. I have had the opportunity to speak with a few people lately that have asked me some questions about Leslie and the details of her situation, as I listened to there questions I realized that it is hard to get the full picture by just reading the blog every day, so I thought I would revisit some of the things that the doctors have told me about our situation. Before I begin I am not an expert on this matter and I am still learning , On Monday Jan. 5 2009 at around 3:00am, Leslie came down with Preeclampsia Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Here is a link to learn more , they also said she had HELLP Syndrome as well, it looks like these are closely related. These diseases caused Leslie's platelets in her blood to drop very low, which kept her blood from clotting, high blood pressure and no way for the blood to clot made for a very bad situation which resulted in a Subcraineal hemorrhage, basically a Stroke, the Stroke happened at the top of her brain effecting Leslie's motor skills on her left side. On Jan.6 Leslie could not move anything on her left side, today my wife who I am very proud of can make a nice fist with her left hand, she has regained some of her left arm movement, she is also getting some more movement in her left leg and hip, but not able to walk at this time, but getting stronger every day. Many of you know that Tuesday is a big day for us, this is the day we get our report card and see what kinds of improvements we have made and set the goals for the following week. We also will get some idea about possible discharge date. So with that I just want to say the Lord our God is good, we are so blessed and thankful for the grace, and mercy he has shown us,.......... Thank you father for my wife, my daughter, my boys, our family, our friends Father ,............. thank you for the people who's paths we have crossed in resent days, thank you Father,................ we want to lift to you Father and pray for all those we have met here at the hospital, we pray for peace, understanding, rest for them Father......Amen......

Good night friends, have a great day tomorrow, we love you and thank you for the love you have shown us....

God bless

your freinds Jeff, Leslie and Beau


  1. Jeff,
    This comment is for you. You are an amazing man, and I am blessed by you daily. You are so blessed to have Leslie, Beau, your boys, your family and friends; BUT they are also so blessed to have you. Your faith is inspiring to those who know you and those who don't. I am proud of Leslie as well, BUT I am also proud of you. You are a devoted, loving and faithful husband who loves his Lord and his family unconditionally and with his whole heart. I thank God for you daily!

  2. I am believing and trusting that today will be a good day for Leslie and that her report card will be good so that she can come home to therapy here, and the serene surroundings of her home and family. The Lord God...he is good....and he cares for you Leslie.
    With Love....
    Brenda Blair Vinson

  3. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your

    Don Gloria & Erica

  4. Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
    2 Cor. 12:9

    Great Blog today Jeff! We love you guys and are lifting you up.
    The Pates

  5. Jeff, Leslie and Beau
    The blog is so helpful and we so enjoy keeping up with what is going on with each of you. Our prayers for Leslie's continued progress are continuous. Thank you for writing such heart warming notes.
    Sending love and warm hugs


Thanks for taking time to share..